America’s Friends … the Most Harmed

It has become clear that those most harmed by the publication of the “WikiLeaks” documents are America’s friends. The publication of these documents proved that Washington is not interested in true friends; it is only concerned about its own interests. It makes friends for a certain period of time and when this period of time is over, nothing prevents it from abandoning these temporary friendships and moving beyond them. This alone confirms what everyone knows, which is that Washington is a powerful country ruled only by its own interests, and that these interests are what dictates its positions and its adoption of this system of friendships or alliances.

This statement does not apply to Israel, since it is not only an ally or friend. It is even more than that — it’s like an American state. We even find many times that Washington is more devoted to Israel and its interests than some silly Zionist leaders. This is the secret behind Washington’s sharp criticism of Avigdor Lieberman’s (the enemy’s foreign minister and head of the “Israel is Our Home” Political Party) statements, which reveal the ugly, racist side of the Israeli entity and drop the fig leaf off of its phony democracy.

And in this regard it is necessary to point out that the neo-conservatives of the George W. Bush era have always been more Zionist than some Israelis. The Secretary of State at the time, for instance, was the one who opposed stopping the Zionist hostilities against Lebanon in July 2006 and demanded that Israel continue the offensive.

And we go back to where we began.

In order to confirm what was said, if we examine records of American alliances with many of the world’s countries, we find that Washington was allied with the many of the most fascist dictatorships in the world, simply in order to serve its own interests. It entered into alliances with the Shah of Iran, the President of the Philippines, Suharto of Indonesia and Pinochet of Chile, etc. And when the stars shifted, it abandoned all of them, just as one would throw away their shoes after using them to cross a swamp.

The “WikiLeaks” documents, on the other hand, answer the central question that was previously posed by the George W. Bush administration: “Why do they hate us?”

The documents prove what was said — that Washington exploits all the world in order to serve its interests and the welfare of the American people.

And they also prove that we are facing powerful country that does not attach great importance to values, morals, established principles and international law, and permits itself to spy on others.

They also prove that we are facing a unique Machiavellian approach that contradicts all the noble principles that human rights law espouses. We are facing the strongest country in the world, which is ruled only by its interests and those of the Zionist enemy, and which only attaches scant importance to the great values that its leaders espouse on paper, for propaganda purposes.

In brief, the very famous French president De Gaulle’s statement, “The worst thing about America is its power,” affirms what I say, now that the American empire has become captive to a malevolent and tyrannical force.

The “WikiLeaks” documents reveal the ugly side of American politics.

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