The Chinese Secret of American Civility

During his visit to Russia, United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates demonstrated deep humility. He exchanged information with us about strategic nuclear systems (SNS) in compliance with the START-III Treaty (This treaty is unique for disarmament treaties in that it is entirely unbeneficial for the United States yet very beneficial for Russia), promised in the coming days to sharply intensify operations in Libya and in his address made a number of compliments toward Russia. Russia was also invited to take part in joint operations.

This was the key moment. In it we can see the recently publicized new vision for America’s national military strategy. At the beginning of this document is a very interesting declaration stating that the Americans underestimated the strain that would test their armed forces in continuous military action. It is true that immediately after this pronouncement they stated that any potential opponent would be mistaken to underestimate the United States and their preparedness to defend national interests.

Later on it was stated that although NATO remains the most powerful military bloc in the world, the reduced military capability of its individual members (Apparently the authors found writing “everyone except Turkey and Greece” to be impolite) may create doubts about their ability to fulfill their obligations to ensure collective security (reaffirmed by the tragicomedy currently taking place in Libya). In this case, however, although the United States is preparing to solve all of the military issues on their own, they are acknowledging a future where they stand behind a coalition. It is only now that they are imagining something broader than NATO.

It is specifically in this context in the document that Russia is mentioned: “As we strengthen our European alliance, we will increase dialogue and military-to-military relations with Russia, building on our successful efforts in strategic arms reduction. We seek to cooperate with Russia on counter-terrorism, counter-proliferation, space, and Ballistic Missile Defense, and welcome it playing a more active role in preserving security and stability in Asia.”

Washington is currently paying very close attention to Asia. Unfortunately, in Russia it remains an unnoticed fact that it is precisely that part of the world that is becoming the world’s economic, military and political center. In Asia, China especially stands out, a nation whose needs and ambitions are soaring.

If one speaks openly and honestly, there is a nation in the world that has pretensions of world domination. It is not in the American sense of global influence but rather in a much more direct and immediate sense. World domination, paradoxical as it may sound, is America’s way of survival. The resources of the entire world may not be enough to meet the needs of the enormous population and economy of China. China, unlike the former Soviet Union, will not fall victim to ideological claims of economic efficiency. Slowly, and surprisingly consistently, China moves towards its goal with a cold and steely resolve.

On the other hand, the United States has not stood the test of being the world’s only power, having exhausted themselves by wars in central Asia and the Middle East. At the same time, Washington, in fact, has lost key allies: Virtually all of the NATO countries have lost the ability and desire to fight. There is, however, one exception — Turkey has begun a very obvious drift towards the “East” (in a political sense).

Today, a unique situation has emerged: The United States is too powerful to abandon its role as a global power. Yet it is no longer strong enough to act alone (which can be confirmed by the events unfolding in Libya). It makes Americans take a more realistic look at the world and seek allies. This includes new allies, since their old allies have clearly become worthless.

These circumstances open a unique “window of opportunity” for Russia. Our country is too weak for the Americans to consider us an opponent but remains strong enough that America can see in us a potential ally. It is quite significant that the Americans are inviting us to take part in solving the problems of Asia. It is unlikely they only have in mind Afghanistan, Iran and North Korea. There is no doubt that it is a veiled invitation for a friendship against China. Americans understand better than us that China’s expansion will begin with us and not them.

Apparently, this is the reason Washington has become so polite and accommodating towards Moscow. It is necessary to take advantage of this. Because China will begin with us.

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