The Bolivarian Threat to U.S. "Security"

With its attack on Libya, U.S. imperialist policy tries to impose what its government, armed forces and transnational companies call the Project for the New American Century; its backing is in market fundamentalism, spelled out as greater capitalist expansion and direct control of the world’s primary existing energy sources.

In order to achieve this, different U.S. administrations anticipated the future state of their country; first, by confronting the Soviet Union, their imperial adversary, and after its implosion, by confronting the acts of those nationalist governments that showed themselves as too independent and opposed to directives from Washington. This allowed them to forge the Yankee intervention, covert or not, against anything that might pose a threat, however subtle it may be, to their economic and geopolitical interests. In this manner, the imperialist hand of the United States armed the Contra guerillas in Nicaragua to thwart the influence of Sandinista ideology in Central America, supported the right-wing government of El Salvador economically and militarily, invaded Grenada, Panama, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq and eventually implemented and financed the Plan Colombia with the alleged goal of “eradicating the drug trade, fostering economic alternatives to coca and poppy production and strengthening Colombia’s democratic institutions.”

These actions have been redesigned according to Joint Vision 2020, which displays the gringo military power as a joint force capable of achieving world domination through any legal consideration. Consequently, it responds to a global reorganization proposed and executed by the Pentagon, whose initial momentum was in George Bush Sr.’s indisputable establishment of the New World Order under U.S. supervision. This ended up establishing preventative war as the first choice of U.S. military doctrine, something that was legitimized with the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. By now, oil has become the catalyst for the new American warmongering that appeals to the fight against the universal Axis of Evil, whose threat is directed towards the whole “international community.” An axis that is defined and localized unilaterally and capriciously by the United States, putting tyrant governments in the same bag for the simple fact of not obeying or adhering to the Anglo-Saxon colossus; among them Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and, more recently, Libya, while the less than democratic outrages in the genocide states of Israel, Saudi Arabia or Pakistan are ignored.

Consequently, the fact that the ultra-conservative U.S. administration is deeply concerned about the Bolivarian Revolution should not be any surprise. For their petro-military hawks, the Bolivarian Revolution is a source of disturbance in the region, especially when it promotes the establishment of a new multipolar international order, democratic solidarity and respect for the self-determination of the people. A disturbance that arises from the inevitable ideological confrontation faced upon expanding the concept of democracy in Venezuela and constitutionally establishing active participation in the excluded popular sectors. Something that infringes upon the goals of Joint Vision 2020, since that would undermine the United States’ intention to exercise absolute imperial authority over our America and the rest of the world.

Therefore, Hugo Chávez has been stigmatized to satisfaction in American circles of power, seeking to implement a consensus opinion in favor of the direct intervention of troops on Venezuelan soil. However, it is possible that the aforementioned option, although not entirely ruled out, continues to be put on hold, awaiting the opportunity to be put into action; such as during an impasse with Colombia or a cry for help from the handicapped, but not hidden “democratic” sectors of the opposition. President Chávez, the national armed forces, the revolutionary sectors and the people themselves should handle this with tact and determination, in order to counter the threats that occasionally ooze from Washington. Without question, taking into account the general guidelines outlined in Joint Vision 2020 and the NATO strategist designed Balboa Plan, the Bolivarian Revolution threatens the “security” of the United States; so its proponents should undertake, starting now, an anti-imperialist strategy to be followed, in order to uphold the same conflicting situation with the American regime.

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