Why the Tea Party is Playing into Obama’s Hands

The absurd controversy over Barack Obama’s birthplace is continuing to ooze its poison. Jerome Corsi’s book “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” has catapulted to the top of Amazon.com’s bestseller list before even being put on sale. This news is depressing, and it speaks volumes about the state of the United States today. The affair is absurd, and it has been brought up again by Donald Trump, who is prepared to do anything to get people talking about him and his toupee; at least the latter provides ideas for talk-show hosts like David Letterman. Even Michelle Bachmann, a tea party leader who cannot be suspected of being pro-Obama, said the matter was settled as far as she was concerned and that it did not make any sense.

And yet the affair goes on, and it could turn to the Democrats’ advantage. For those who have not followed along, certain opponents maintain that 44th president was not born on U.S. soil, which would make him ineligible for office. If so, he is occupying the White House illegally. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and although the official, certified document proves that he was born on American soil, this is not enough to calm the paranoiacs and their worldwide conspiracy.

The controversy could serve the president’s party. Because the Republican Party suddenly has a problem with the ideas of the extremist fringe of its electorate. A recent New York Times/CBS survey showed that only 32 percent of Republican voters believe that Obama was born in the United States. In plain language: Lincoln’s and Reagan’s party has suddenly been invaded by the most outlandish ideas. Now, Republican grass root voters are anything but fans of Trump or Glenn Beck. They generally embody common sense and moderation. Nothing displeases them more than being taken for lunatics. They do not want to be associated with this publicity-seeking faction that does not represent their ideas by any means. On Fox News, Karl Rove, the Republican strategist, warned his party against the “birthers” and those who believe in conspiracies about 9/11. Ann Coulter, a Fox New activist, tried to distance herself from the controversy by claiming that it was in fact the Democrats who were spreading this false information in order to embarrass the conservatives.

The conservatives are suddenly realizing that after having encouraged some of their supporters in their paranoiac tendencies that it is difficult to get them to toe the line when their excesses are a cause of embarrassment for the party.

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