Who was the black hand behind the leak against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain? At the moment, Cain’s own accusatory finger is pointing at one of his adversaries, Texas governor Rick Perry, whom he identifies as the source of the leaks that have resurrected an old sexual harassment scandal which has put him on the ropes.
“We now know and have been able to trace it back to the Perry campaign that stirred this up, in order to discredit me and slow us down,” said Cain in a teleconference with his candidacy supporters.
The businessman’s campaign team has no doubt that the origin of the whole scandal is one of his former collaborators: strategist Curt Anderson, who has signed on to Perry’s campaign and who, according to Cain, was responsible for airing their sins and darkest secrets to neutralize Cain politically and pave Perry’s way to the White House.
Anderson appeared yesterday before the media to ensure that neither he nor anyone in Perry’s campaign has been behind the campaign against Cain. “Any journalist who has received information from me about Herman Cain is relieved of any confidentiality agreement to confirm whether I have indeed been the source of these leaks,” said Anderson.*
Amidst the accusations, the very idea that a Republican has stabbed Cain’s presidential aspirations in the back has been viewed as an act of high treason by additional aspirant Newt Gingrich, who has warned that if it turns out that the black hand behind the leaks was a Republican, the reaction will be uncontainable.
“They would pretty rapidly become a pariah to the rest of us and they’d fire who did it,” threatened Gingrich, who, ironically, could be one of the main beneficiaries of Cain’s fall from grace.
The dirty war that has erupted within the ranks of the Republicans is not, without a doubt, anything new, as demonstrated in the case of John McCain, who sampled a bitter dose of an orchestrated smear campaign during the 2000 Republican primaries in South Carolina. Then it was rumored that his wife Cindy was severely addicted to drugs and alcohol and that McCain was unfaithful.
*Editor’s Note: This quotation, accurately translated, could not be verified.
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