Free Opinion: Barack Obama's Cowardice

Now it is clearer to me why, on the day of his election, Obama did not mention Abraham Lincoln, the only president who did not deceive his voters. During his campaign, which he led in his home state Illinois, he had forcefully insisted his commitment by saying, “I will put an end to slavery.” When he arrived in Washington after his election and was asked questions about his abolitionist project he answered, “I will do what I said I would do.”

Abraham Lincoln then did what he said he would do and put an end to the slavery of black Americans.

When Barack Obama arrived at the White House, he promised the moon to Americans and to the rest of the world. In particular, he took the side of Palestinians and declared that Palestine should become an independent state. Three years later, Barack Obama changed sides and became more Israeli than Israel by shamefully adopting the Zionism promoted by the state leaders, the real intentions of which former president Shimon Peres fiercely described when he declared, “Those sons of dogs Palestinians, we are going to throw them into the sea.”

Therefore, the illegally occupied territories were colonized; Palestinians were encircled with the construction of a thick and high wall, Jerusalem-East became controlled, thousands of houses were built, olive trees planted by Palestinians were uprooted by bulldozers and everything and everyone coming in and out of Palestine started to be automatically controlled. State terrorism became the general rule in the Palestinian front. What Israel built in Palestine, in defiance of international law, is nothing less than a concentration camp. Despite the fact the United Nations denounced them, Israel did as they pleased with complete impunity.

Palestine’s entry to UNESCO could have turned Obama into the great political leader the world awaited. However, since a second term at the White House is far from being taken for granted, Obama gave in to the powerful American Jewish lobbies and sided against Palestine. Israel then immediately executed his plan to occupy more of Jerusalem-East in order to build more houses for Jewish settlers and strangle Palestine economically by cutting the $50 million it receives each month as a repayment of the profits made by the customs and VAT. According to the Israeli prime minister, these acts do not deserve retaliation, which implies: “we will try our best to wipe you out if you don’t submit to our Zionist policy.”

Would we let another country in the world operate such state terrorism, which is (icing on the cake) still accountable for all these targeted murders, even on Palestinian politicians who were elected democratically by their population?

Barack Obama could have changed the whole situation in Israel and Palestine. Yet, instead of establishing peace as he promised he would do in his famous speech at Cairo University, he decided, out of sheer electioneering, to devote himself, like his Israeli friends, to state terrorism by cutting all the American financial aid to UNESCO. Lastly, Stephen Harper, who is turning Canada into a belligerent country, is naturally following Obama’s lead in paying greedy and corrupt arms dealers.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee, who awarded the Peace Prize to Barack Obama, should take it back from him. Barack Obama did not and still does not deserve such tribute. Soon, he will have more crimes against humanity weighing on his conscience than George W. Bush, his fascist predecessor. All this is pretty ironic for someone originating from Illinois, the home of Abraham Lincoln and freedom!

*Editor’s Note: The quotations in this article, accurately translated, could not be verified.

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