Embarrassing moments during presidential campaigns — yes, there have been a few. One thinks of Richard Nixon’s appearance in the first televised debate of the 1960 campaign, with John Kennedy. Nixon played his part, but his sinister-looking expression, contrasted with the fresh face of the future president, undoubtedly cost him the elections.
During Wednesday night’s debate between Republican candidates, Rick Perry likely lost the Republican primaries and fueled the jokes of stand-up comedians for months to come. The late-night talk show hosts are already having a field day.
Moving Backwards
During the televised debate last Wednesday, Rick Perry gave it his all. Full of bombast and misplaced testosterone, Perry embarked on a very authoritative list of government agencies that he would cut if he were (God help us …) president: The Department of Commerce, the Department of Education and … silence. Perry was unable to name the third agency that he proposes to cut. Not only was this gap at the moment that he made his argument embarrassing, but he added to the ridiculousness by concluding his argument with “Oops.”
And suddenly, the only thing we remember from this debate, and all the others before it, is the ridiculousness of this moment.
The Texas governor’s campaign is now in free fall, no matter what his supporters say. On Thursday, Perry embarked on a huge rehabilitation campaign, even going so far as to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman to make fun of his monumental gaffe. It will be difficult, from now on, for Rick Perry to attract new donors, as they will be a little hesitant to be linked to a figure who has become ridiculous and, especially, to fund a campaign that’s hitting the wall. The coming days should provide an answer. With the probable exit of the other Republican candidate, Herman Cain, the path is clearing for Mitt Romney, the anti-tea party candidate with which the GOP is going to betray its base.
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