The US Stops Itself on the Verge of Something… Could it Be World War III?

According to one source, China would intervene if Syria was invaded, and it would make sure Russia knew about it. This may not be an effective strategy, but what is being overlooked here is that we don’t know how long these countries will continue to passively permit U.S. expansion. Washington has been busy with a string of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya – and Syria and Iran are sure to follow. U.S. plans and military objectives in the Middle East have continually evolved for over 10 years, and their expansionist commitment has been so firm that they have systematically violated United Nations resolutions.

Up until a few days ago, it was clear that the Libyan model was being applied to Syria. The U.S. insisted that the Security Council reach a resolution similar to resolution 1973, the one involving Libya, pressuring Russia and China to veto it twice. Even after not achieving this goal, Secretary of State Clinton still called to action the so-called friends of the Syrian people.

European and Arab soldiers have been sent into Syria from Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, along with thousands of North American, Israeli, Turkish and German arms. As they did in Libya, they have already recruited politicians and military insiders. Military training camps have been erected for the rebels in Qatar and Libya, as well as a coordination center constructed in Turkey. But suddenly, they stopped. Why?

Obama now says that attacking Iran “is not a game,” that it would have grave consequences for “national security” and that “to think that somehow there is some simple solution [in Syria], I think is a mistake.” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta dramatized military intervention in Damascus: “I’ve got to make very sure we know what the mission is … achieving that mission at what price.” He then went on to ask, “Is it going to make things better or worse?”* The only way to understand this about face is that they were informed or somehow clued in about an extremely grave outcome.

Eight retired U.S. military and intelligence officials signed an open letter addressed to President Obama with the intention of expressing their opposition to a war with Iran. The letter was published in the form of a full-page ad in Monday’s Washington Post. The signatories included Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Paul Pillar, a former CIA official. On what information were they basing their decision to do this?

The reversal was so radical that Obama, in the middle of his electoral campaign, dared to oppose Netanyahu, offering him advanced arms under the condition they would not attack. The BBC, accused of being part of a spy ring in Iran, published an article pointing out the dangers of an attack on Iran without even a mention of Russia or China.

During the war in Libya, the German minister of foreign relations never spoke of a worldwide threat, and now he is quoted as saying that a military intervention in Syria would bring “really disastrous consequences for the region, the people and the world.” If within this context, the U.S. speaks of threats to their national security, they are certainly referring to greater forces than what is possessed by Iran and Syria.

The Russian deputy premier Dmitri Rogozin stated that in order to avoid World War III, the Russian army must be prepared. The Russian government has said that it is willing to increase its nuclear arsenal and, if need be, to use them. China’s president, Hu Jintao, has urged his army to “make extended preparations for military combat in order to make greater contributions to safeguard national security and world peace.” What was it that Washington found out regarding the conduct of these countries should another war for global domination unfold? Russia and China know that sooner or later the U.S. and its proxies will attack, so long as they obtain guaranteed impunity to do so. The attempt to create a destabilizing environment in Russia and throw Putin off his game failed. Five days after Putin’s victory, Obama telephoned to congratulate him on his win. No doubt, the motive for the snub was Putin’s program to prepare Russia for a response to American aggression. The most worrisome subject of all is the survival of the human race.

*Editor’s note: This quote, while accurately translated, could not be verified.

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