Posted on July 3, 2012.
The Supreme Court is going to rule this week on the constitutionality of the Health Care Law, [which] reached Congress [thanks to] Obama, after a titanic-sized combat spanning several Democratic presidents. The law, voted-in on March 2010, allows 50 million Americans to have access to social security and thus medical care. Yes, but there’s a but: It would be unconstitutional for one of these fundamental dispositions to force Americans to buy insurance. Individual liberty being at stake in this obligation to purchase, the Supreme Court can go back on one or several provisions of the law and even annul it.
Is what was to be the centerpiece of Obama’s first term in office and “secure” his re-election in November 2012 about to turn into a nightmare and [Obama’s] fall?
A Democratic and Emblematic Law
Already in place in states like Massachusetts, [the law] could never pass through Congress. For several presidential terms now, the Democrats have been looking to get this progressive law passed. Even Bill Clinton did not succeed in convincing the Republicans to finalize its basic outline. Ted Kennedy devoted his entire life as a senator to advance the bill, and he died the year preceding the Capitol’s vote. Obama has made it the symbol of his presidency.
Americans are not in Agreement with the Reform
A Reuters/Ipsos poll revealed that 56 percent of Americans are generally opposed to this reform and 44 percent support it. If they accept certain provisions of the Obamacare law, 61 percent reject the “forced purchase” of individual insurance, which is a fundamental component of the system. It’s important to understand that this “charity” conforms little to American culture, which stresses that each person has the ability to provide for their own life.
Why the Supreme Court is Intervening
The question of law arouses concern [regarding] the individual right of each American to decide whether or not to buy insurance. Yet Obamacare forces each American to buy health insurance and penalizes them if they don’t. It’s this same economic system upon which the system’s viability rests. The Supreme Court will rule on the legality of this duty required by the state.
Can the Supreme Court Kill Off the Law?
Yes, but it can also say that it’s not contrary to the right of commerce and that Congress created it in the American public’s interest. And [it could] even intervene not only on the whole law but on particular points, which would not call into question the law’s entire outline.
Would Rejection of the Bill be Detrimental to [Obama’s] Re-election?
Obama’s obsessive dream since his inauguration in 2009: He made it into his political legacy and even declared that once this law was voted-in, he and Michelle would feel more at ease if he was only [in office] for one term … Today, knowing that Romney, the assumed Republican candidate, declared that he would point-blank reject Obamacare, the Supreme Court’s repeal could transform the defense of this law into the central theme of [Obama’s] campaign.
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