Taking Out the George W. Trash

The two unknown quantities for the Republican convention in Tampa are Tropical Storm Isaac approaching from Cuba and the abortion storm coming from the belly of the Republican Party itself. The Republican leadership is trying to avoid both. They’ve postponed the opening day of their convention in deference to Isaac and they’re asking candidate Todd Akin to stay away from the convention because of the storm he is causing with his abortion stance — a stance that is essentially identical the party’s own position on the issue.

Everything else in Tampa is thoroughly choreographed. The four original days planned for the coronation will now probably be changed to three, but there isn’t the least doubt as to the outcome. It’s been known for months that Mitt Romney will be the party’s candidate.

In order to avoid ruining the picture of complete party unity, some of the most prominent Republicans have been edited out of the picture. Neither former President George W. Bush, nor his vice president Dick Cheney, nor the most recent Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be allowed to appear at the Tampa convention. The party now dedicated to Mitt Romney has taken them out like the weekly trash.

But their ideas continue to live and thrive. The new Republican platform goes further to the right than that of the Bush era on several issues.

In Tampa, flag-waving Republicans, Latinos, religious conservatives and other like-minded pilgrims will show what the candidate himself finds impossible: that Mitt Romney is a simultaneously sensitive, humane, sympathetic and plain old everyday guy, eminently capable of providing leadership. With just over two months to go, this is his last chance to do so.

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