The Republican Party Adopts a Very Right-Wing Agenda

Reduce the size of the federal government. Ban abortion, even for rape victims. Crack down harder on illegal immigration. The program contained within the platform that the 2,286 delegates at the Republican Party Convention in Tampa passed on Aug 28 reflects the party’s shift to the right and the influence of the tea party.

The text, drafted by a committee of 125 members presided over by Bob McDonnell, the very conservative governor of Virginia, constitutes the party’s agenda, but not necessarily Mitt Romney’s. The Republican presidential candidate, concerned about moderate and female voters, dissociates himself from the party on matters like abortion. But the text still refers to it.

Anxious to reform a federal government that has become “unresponsive to taxpayers,” the platform proposes to “restructure” the government by putting an end to “the centralizing of power in Washington” and by endorsing the role of the states.

The text, very vague on fiscal policy, promises to protect the taxpayers by not using their money to bail out financial institutions. Adverse to “over-regulations” impeding trade, the platform promises to repeal Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank Act regarding financial transactions.

The Republicans “are committed to saving” the Social Security system, Medicaid (for the poor) and Medicare (for those over 65), which have been threatened by deficits. They want to privatize Medicare — by allocating vouchers allowing one to purchase insurance — and have the states manage Medicaid.

The Gay Marriage Ban

Concerning abortion the platform asserts “the sanctity of human life” and advocates for the adoption of a constitutional amendment that would render the 14th Amendment applicable to a fetus.

It would forbid one to “deprive any person of life (…) without due process of law.” “The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life that cannot be infringed” according to the text.

Essentially, this wording postulates an absolute ban on abortion, even in circumstances of rape or incest.

On the matter of marriage the Republicans support the adoption of another amendment to the Constitution that would define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, thus banning gay marriage. Additionally, the party is equally opposed to civil unions.

While recognizing the “vital contributions” of legal immigrants, the platform esteems that “the presence of millions of unidentified persons in this country poses grave risks to the safety and sovereignty of the United States.” The platform reproaches the Obama administration for its clemency — even while the number of deportations has been at its highest since his election.

The Republicans advocate the completion of a wall along the United States-Mexico border and the cessation of federal funding to all universities welcoming illegal aliens. They also intend to make obligatory the use of federal databases designed to prevent employment access to those without papers.

On foreign policy the Republicans reproach Obama for having cooperated with Iran. They call for a firm response to Chinese power and Russian provocations and for the reestablishment of a “special relationship with the United Kingdom.”

The “unequivocal support of Israel” is reaffirmed, as well as the suggestion of creating “two democratic States” in the Middle East, a position that some delegates have criticized as too restrictive toward Israel.

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