To Obama: How Urgently You Need Bush’s Obsession!

Edited by Katya Abazajian

The Syrian crisis, which has lasted for over six months, caused many masks to drop and exposed many countries claiming to be guardians of human rights. None of it makes a difference: the excellent speeches, declarations of sorrow, continuous threats and the resulting political scum.

Barack Obama brought out threats when warning Assad’s regime about a military intervention if the regime used chemical weapons. And here is a question for the president: Why has what’s been happening in Syria for the last six months not summon the mobilization of your army to save the unarmed Syrian people?

When America decided to wage war on Iraq, it did not wait for the international authorization and started to transport its equipment and men. It claimed that the regime of the former president of Iraq possessed chemical weapons. Later, it became clear that it was a lie to destroy Mesopotamia and to hand it over to Iranians.

Today, Washington knows that the Syrian regime possesses chemical weaponry. But until now, nothing has been done about it. The existence of chemical weaponry reported that the agreements have been made under the table between Washington and Tel Aviv. Washington also knows that such a regime did not dare to aim the “hunting” gun from its Israeli neighbor for the last four decades. It can’t even think of using the fatal weaponry against innocent Israelis. Such a humble regime deserves all the care and support to help it stay for as long as possible.

Obama’s words waving about military intervention in Syria are only a hard-to-take political dispute, while the president only cares about his beautiful office in the White House.

I wish that I was mistaken with all this. Even if Obama keeps his word, I continue to whisper to his ear, “How urgently you need Bush’s obsession!”

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