Inspired by the US Presidential Debates!

The suggestions and messages are trickling out in the course of the U.S. presidential debates because these are exposing many tendencies that cannot be ignored. The presidential debates are a good opportunity for any people who take to the ballot box to choose whom they see as qualified to assume the highest office in the country. The presidential debates are a good opportunity for any people who take to the ballot box to choose whom they see as qualified to assume the highest office in the country. The first presidential debate broadcast on television was between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy in 1960; after it those debates would become an enduring approach to any U.S. election.

At the same time that one enjoys following that aspect of democracy, one finds the lying, deceit and evasiveness that take place in it strange, with the debates having turned from a place to demonstrate the truth of positions into an arena for lying, deceiving and covering up positions for fear of negatively influencing constituents. Obama strove to cover up all his failures of the past four years, while Romney tried to hide his espousal of policies that would break the backs of the poor as his predecessor George W. Bush did. He also tried to conceal his extreme foreign policy program that follows the same mindset as Bush.

The more important matter that is impossible to miss is that both the candidates — Obama and Romney — share very many general features and specific details, for the U.S. president has the freedom to pull policy in certain directions, but he cannot violate general U.S. policy that they believe protects the United States from its enemies!

In general, our Arab countries and our causes remain the center and axis of those general features that they capitalize on to win over constituents!

Obama focused on three main issues in his battle with Romney, the first of which was the killing of Osama bin Laden and the second of which was ending the war in Iraq and withdrawing the troops. As for the third, it was getting rid of Gadhafi’s regime.

The first and second issues were American ideas to create imaginary enemies to terrorize their people and succeed in further seizing the riches of our lands, in addition to achieving greater “soft colonial” influence on our countries; the U.S. got involved in the third one in a miserable attempt to reap its benefits and “get a slice of the pie,” as it usually does!

In the three matters, the number of Muslim victims amounted to more than two million human beings, not including those taken hostage, wounded and made homeless! We also cannot forget the cases of humanitarian and moral abuse that have not stopped in Afghanistan and Iraq! But not even Romney can criticize Obama or Bush for those criminal policies because if he were in their place, he would do more than that!

The rape cases at Abu Ghraib, the victims of chemical weapons in Fallujah and the massacre of Qala-i-Jangi — besides the hundreds of thousands that perished because of the random U.S. bombardment of civilians — all of these are issues of no importance to Western civilization! You cannot blame a son for turning out like his father!

Indeed, they are cementing the decline, the baseness and the loss of humanity in their civilization. Therefore those presidential debates remain similar to the beautification of an ugly woman, a woman more than 100 years old.

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