The US Trains Syrian Rebels in Jordan

The U.S. is training Syrian rebels in Jordanian territory to fight against Bashar al Assad’s regime. The rebels are receiving instruction in anti-tank weapon usage with which they expect to break the superiority of the army’s armored vehicles. According to the German weekly Der Spiegel, some 200 Syrians have already passed this course, taught by unidentified Americans. The German journalists cite local sources that speak of people in uniform among the instructors, but it is unknown whether they are part of the U.S. Army or employees of a private military security firm.

According to those sources, two training camps are being prepared in the west and south of Jordan in order to train 1,200 recruits in total. They are members of the Free Syrian Army, preparing for the formation of a new alliance of the south without the presence of Islamic brigades. The Jordanian secret services are taking part in this preparation. The government of Amman fears that the Jordanian Islamic forces may unite to intervene in Syria and cause problems upon their return home.

The prestigious German weekly says that Jordan is storing anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, waiting to hand them to the rebels. Saudi Arabia is suspected to be the top investor in this operation. The provision of these arms, the majority of which come from Libya, would entail a new move in the pieces on the board of the Syrian civil war.

The regional powers want to raise their influence among the different rebel factions to prepare for the end of the conflict and afterward. If Assad is deposed, Turkey and Qatar would support the Muslim Brotherhood, whereas Saudi Arabia and Jordan are tightening their bond with the high command of the FSA.

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