Common sense people.! Marriage is between a man and a woman. Civil unions are for the rest’ be it man & man or woman & woman or man & beast or man & man & man or whatever combination pops up and most assuredly someone somewhere will want to test the waters or just wants attention. If only some commonsense is injected into this emotional issue we can retain some sense of normalcy while still respecting the love & rights of civil unions between people of an admittedly different lifestyle.
Common sense people.! Marriage is between a man and a woman. Civil unions are for the rest’ be it man & man or woman & woman or man & beast or man & man & man or whatever combination pops up and most assuredly someone somewhere will want to test the waters or just wants attention. If only some commonsense is injected into this emotional issue we can retain some sense of normalcy while still respecting the love & rights of civil unions between people of an admittedly different lifestyle.