Cowardly Terrorist Acts Targeting International Events Cannot Be Condoned

The Boston Marathon, a sporting event well known in Japan, was the site of a cowardly terrorist attack that indiscriminately targeted citizens and tourists. Two large explosions occurred near the finish line, killing and wounding many spectators, including an eight-year-old boy.

High-ranking U.S. officials have branded it a “clear act of terrorism.” While we do not yet have any details about the perpetrator or perpetrators, terrorist acts must never be tolerated, no matter what political or ideological reasons may be behind them. U.S. authorities must conduct a thorough investigation in order to find those responsible and punish them according to the law.

In recent years, internationally prominent cities and tourist destinations have been repeatedly targeted by terrorists. Following the 9/11 attacks in 2001, many other civilians have been victims of terrorist attacks at such sites as a nightclub in Bali, a railroad line in Madrid and a luxury hotel in Mumbai.

Terrorist attacks in such locations easily cause widespread damage, due to the large numbers of people usually gathered there, becoming stages that invite the world to look on. However, it is physically difficult to search bags or conduct other such safety measures in places where unspecified numbers of people are constantly coming and going, and this poses a major problem for security and crime deterrence.

This time, the target was a high-profile international event. Boston, a city with a deep historical connection to Europe, is home to many immigrants and foreign students. Even within America, Boston stands out for its rich international flavor.

One of the planes hijacked in the 9/11 attacks departed from Boston. The Irish Republican Army, which once engaged in numerous armed conflicts with the goal of uniting Ireland, is known to have financial connections within Boston’s immigrant community.

The marathon attracts many foreign runners and tourists. The area is accustomed to visitors from other countries and frequently hosts international events, which may have been a factor in the difficulty in maintaining security.

The terrorist bombings in Boston hold significance for Japan as well. Asian cities, Japanese cities among them, are inviting people from all over the world by hosting international summits and events, as they vie for competitive strength.

It could be said that this wave of terrorist attacks is a strike at the weak points in our globalized society. Terrorism can no longer be fought by one country that acts alone. All of the world’s governments and security organizations must work together more closely than ever before and adopt an international perspective to stop terrorism.

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