Karzai Offers To Maintain Nine Army Bases Following US Evacuation

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said that the U.S. wants an agreement that allows it continued use of nine Afghan military airbases; he also said that there was no harm in allowing America the use of the military airbases in Afghanistan’s interest. In his address at Kabul University on Thursday, he said that “we are serious in our discussions with the U.S. and that we should derive as much benefit as we can from the presence of the U.S. forces.”

The need for a foreign military presence equipped with modern arms is felt only when there is fear of some foreign aggression. Afghanistan, however, faces no such danger from its neighbors. There may be different opinions as to how successful the U.S. was in achieving the objectives for which it invaded Afghanistan. Nevertheless, the U.S. and its allies have made the decision to evacuate Afghanistan in 2014; they are holding discussions with their adversary, the Taliban, also in this regard.

The peace and order of the whole region, particularly of Pakistan, has been severely affected by the war in Afghanistan. Afghanistan itself is continuing to burn in the fire of unrest. However, prospects are bright for the improvement of the peace and order situation in Afghanistan and the whole region following the evacuation by the U.S.

The biggest blow from America’s evacuation from Afghanistan could be dealt to Karzai’s power. Those aware of conditions in Afghanistan say that it is to protect his own power that Karzai considers it essential for U.S. forces to remain in the country. Karzai maintains that it will be a good thing for Afghanistan’s people, peace and national stability if conditions set forth by him are accepted: We, too, have placed our terms before America, he said, in which the construction of roads in Afghanistan, the provision of security, electricity, construction of dams, concrete assistance for economic stability and other items are included.

The benefits outlined by Karzai do not require the presence of U.S. forces for their achievement. Karzai should abstain from risking the peace of his country and of the whole region for the sake of protecting and lengthening his own term in power. The U.S., too, should not be taken in by Karzai’s utterances. No changes should be made in the schedule that has been provided by the U.S. This is in the best interest of America itself and that of Afghanistan and the other countries of the region.

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