Korean Arms, Leadership and Proliferation

A deposit of arms has been discovered in a Korean ship originating from Cuba in the port of Manzanillo, Colón, Panamá.

Obama has converted an obsession with the formal politics of arms control into the objective of pressing the reset button on U.S.-Russia relations and has approached Putin several times. It is not the least of the strategic arms reduction seen from the various Strategic Arms Reduction treaties, of which the last one — ingeniously baptized the New START — is currently active, and its reform is being discussed. Obama wants peace by reducing the number of nuclear warheads because he is still entrenched in a Cold War mentality, but the result could not be more disappointing — both in the nuclear aspect and, by the looks of it, for conventional arms as well.

The Russian reaction ranges within disinterest, constant maintenance in whatever happens, having a more than sufficient arsenal and pointing the finger at the Americans’ problems, as the Snowden case demonstrates. For the moment, he will be granted asylum in the land of the czars.

On the other hand, of the [members of the] “axis of evil” — so dear to Bush, and which it was so important to separate from — the only one that is not dangerous anymore is Iraq. Saddam Hussein’s criminal regime, just like his aspirations of being a weapons leader, have gone on to a better life — whatever may be said of this currently difficult and insecure country of two rivers. When it comes to North Korea, danger is there, with its developed nuclear program, its rising missile [strength] and its collaboration with Iran and Assad’s Syria. But it also dedicates itself to an abundant business — singular to the poorest country in the world — of trafficking conventional arms with anyone.

And the zone where the ship was detained, it seems to somewhat interest the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA), successor to both the Soviet and the nonaligned countries. Finally, Iran is the greatest of threats, not just for its accumulation of enriched uranium at 20 percent, a result of the unusual negotiations that have taken years to develop and letting them develop, but for its unequivocal desire for domination and its intention to put an end to the “small Satan of the zone” — Israel, in its language.

That is, with good intentions and supposing this was Obama’s idea and not the most abominable demagoguery, hell is full; the insistence on being separated from Bush, the leadership from behind, and the autocontrol of proliferation, with inattention to the nature of regimes that possess arms, is going to end terribly.

Therefore, in fact, we have to press the reset button, but to reset this disastrous policy that, far from reducing the chance of war, puts in danger the Pax Americana (American Peace) that the United States has pretended to guarantee since World War II.

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