US Disappoints Its Arab Allies

The American strategic political transformations in the Middle East became clearly visible after the public emergence of the American-Iranian detente — secret for decades — and since the Iran-Contra scandal. However, how and why has the U.S. turned its back on the Arabs now, in this historic moment in their lives, inflamed by a spring of American deception? America’s rush to Tehran’s rulers, despite Iran being part of the axis of evil under Khamenei’s direct embrace, raises questions and wonder.

In order to complete the picture for the reader, it is necessary to link preceding events directly because the American-Iranian coordination began with the criminal Bush administration’s decision to topple the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq — per the statement of the last Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari to the London newspaper al-Hayat — and revealed the agreement of Tehran’s rulers and mullahs with the criminal Bush administration on Iraq’s occupation, the bringing down of its regime and removal of the Iraqi army from the regional military balance in order to make it easier to dominate the Gulf states, divide their influence and wealth, and secure oil and Israeli security. This is the essence of the American-Iranian agreement and the mutual services they render in opposition to [the interests of a unified] Arab nation, the spearhead of which is the great Iraq.

What does all this prove? The U.S. invaded Iraq and occupied it with Iran’s help. If not for that, why was its invasion and occupation possible — the widely famous statement? The U.S. disbanded Iraq’s army, destroyed its economic structures, looted wealth, burned it down, devastated and burned its ministries — except the Ministry of Oil — killed its people, spread sectarianism among its sects and supervised the sectarian civil war, which it fueled, handing Iraq a wasteland, from where it shouted the slogans of the occupation and its agents to the rulers and mullahs of Tehran — Iraq’s historic enemies — under the pretext of filling the void, all while Ahmadinejad was calling for the desecration of Abbasid Baghdad.

Thus, Tehran launched armed sectarian militias and the Quds force to kill Iraqis and then abandoned them and imposed Safavid Shiism on Iraqis throughout Iraq. Here, there are militias imposing the raising of the banner of Hussein — peace be upon him — on all the Sunni provinces, over their houses, mosques and their departments, threatening death and destruction. They have done this before the eyes of all people in most places — two days ago, dominating militias descended in Nineveh near North Kiraj on a groom and his bride in a wedding procession and started beating and insulting them and insulting the companions of Our Lady Aisha, the mother of believers, in a shameful sectarian incident reflective of hatred and backwardness, as happened with a British engineer in Ramallah days ago.

As for the American scenario in the region, it entails the abandonment of Arab regimes, leaving them to the Iranian nuclear ghoul and its occupation for the Safavid expansion and extension into the Arab states — Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, the Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and others — for the establishment of a Persian Shiite empire. Thus, the U.S. has betrayed its allies in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the remaining Arab Gulf states, Egypt and Tunisia. Yes, the U.S. has betrayed the Arab regimes and sold them to Iran, like it sold Iraq.

So, for three years, the Syrian revolution has been fighting the bloody Assad regime without international cover or support, despite the West and America’s claims that they support the revolution and want the fall of Assad’s regime. Far from arming the Syrian opposition, the U.S. preferred the chemical “brand” over staying in power. Thus, now, it works with the mullahs and Tehran’s leaders in the same scenario, pushing the nuclear brand against Iranian dominance in the region and giving a free hand in the killing, destruction and looting in Iraq by sectarian militias.

The Arab regimes discovered this American scenario and turned 180 degrees toward Russia. So ran Saudi Arabia, and after it, Egypt, and Nouri al-Maliki’s government began begging for weapons, despite Russia being Iran’s strategic ally in the region because Iranian oil and gas is dirt cheap to Russia. As is known to all, Russia is always selling its allies, like America, because of its interests and as a way to indicate the motto, “There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, just permanent interests.”

Thus, the Arab regimes fall always in the American or Russian trap, and they do not heed the warnings about these two. Their coffers, oil, airspace and land were opened to these two in order to say, “Please, take Iraq on a golden platter,” in order to ensnare and humiliate the entire nation, because of tampering, stupidity and short-sightedness about the future of the Arab nation. Look to America. After the destruction of Iraq and its removal from the international and regional balance, what happened to the Arabs has humiliated them and pushed them into a corner they truly deserved.

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