The New First Lady, Stephen Colbert

For those who are still hungering after a French-American dinner, or who are seeking to understand what has made us all aflutter: Here is the account given by guest of honor Stephen Colbert on his site. Not content with comparing Hollande to Quasimodo, Colbert who has proclaimed himself “first lady of France,” smoked a baguette and is preparing to bring back the guillotine. In case you forgot, this maniac happened to be seated … at Michelle Obama’s right at a gala dinner given Tuesday in honor of France at the White House — it might seem like a joke, but it’s true. Here is Colbert’s excellent sketch on the French alpha dog.

In the same vein, let us not forget Michelle Obama’s tweet before this important dinner, which seemed to suggest that she would have much rather preferred to invite … her dogs.

For chronicler Guy Sorman, a symbol of “Franco-America” who like many others would also have liked to have been invited, Francois Hollande surely found himself hostage at a great fundraiser where most of the seats were reserved for generous Democrat donors.

As our friend, conservative journalist and Newsmax correspondent to the White House John Gizzi, recounted, this was a good joke among the French guests, filling the tent with information technology bigwigs and anti-terrorist operation leaders. Not only was General Keith Alexander, head of the infamous NSA, kindly seated at Christine Lagarde’s table, but so were at least five other terrorist trackers: James Clapper, David Cohen, Patricia Falcone, Lisa Monaco and Laura Holgate. Madame “F*ck the European Union” Victoria Nuland was also at the party with her husband, neoconservative Robert Kagan. None of them had been at the June 2011 dinner in honor of Angela Merkel.

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