The CIA in Silk Is the CIA, No Less …

After 53 years of activity, the United States Agency for International Development, a flimsy excuse for imperialist interference and the destabilization of governments, has been ejected from Ecuador. Evo Morales threw them out of Bolivia in 2013.

The CIA in silk is the CIA, no less. USAID posters can be seen in any part of the world, whether it be in Latin American rainforests, African savannahs or Middle Eastern deserts. The posters state USAID’s altruistic activity, its plans for infrastructure development, its many projects in security, democracy, the economy, production and the environment. They lie. USAID is one of the many masks used by the U.S. empire to spy, destabilize and threaten the region’s democracy and social movements. Because of this, Evo Morales expelled USAID from Bolivia in September 2013. Now, it is Ecuador that is following the same path and sending them to spy elsewhere.

The Ecuadorian government has informed that USAID has concluded its operations in the country having been unable to negotiate an agreement with the Ecuadorian state. The exit process began more than three months ago. President Rafael Correa criticized USAID’s work on various occasions, and in 2013, Ecuador’s Technical Secretariat for International Cooperation showed that the agency “had not justified the allocation of its resources during renegotiation.”

Korea accused the agency of funding opposing organizations and linked it to attempts at conservative restoration carried out by the establishment and the hegemonic means at its disposal. This was the answer to U.S. President Barack Obama’s idea that although he gave orders to bomb countries, he proposed “creating civil leaders” in Latin America: a euphemism that isn’t fooling anybody and is used to try and cover up destabilization payed for by the empire. In the face of the “Go Home” from the government of Ecuador, the ever active embassy stated the humanitarian work of the agency in an official bulletin. “The legacy of USAID goes far beyond the many projects and infrastructure that has been set up,” the embassy indicated on its website. For his part, the U.S. ambassador to Ecuador, Adam Namm, noted a figure in the spirit of benevolence: USAID’s overall investment was over $809 million.

“In September, after 53 years of cooperation and friendship, USAID is closing its offices in Ecuador after having collaborated in the development and progress of the country. The U.S. government wishes the country success in its goals and development and remains involved in joint work of mutual interest,” the embassy website states.

“The U.S. has been in partnership with Ecuador, supporting its strategies and development projects, since 1942. In the last 53 years the cooperation offered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has focused on matters such as economic opportunities, the conservation of biodiversity, infrastructure, citizen participation, health services, education, housing, disaster prevention and mitigation, amongst others,” the official page states.

The Zunzuneo Operation in Cuba

In April of this year, the supposed aid agency occupied the front pages, in a dishonorable manner, when the U.S. news agency The Associated Press revealed that USAID was involved in the U.S. strategy to create a social network, a Cuban version of Twitter, called Zunzuneo. The goal was to exercise information terrorism in Cuba, spreading lies and try to influence young people, incite protests, and bring down the government. Such is the foolishness of some representatives of the empire.

Operation Zunzuneo used “humanitarian aid” as a front, but its mask fell, and it was revealed to be nothing more than another attack on Cuba from the empire. It was an eagle disguised as a zunzún, the Cuban version of the hummingbird. AP revealed that the U.S. illegally spent more than $1.5 million on the Zunzuneo social network. The idea was to use the social network, funded by USAID, for manipulation with the goal of promoting protests in Cuba and to achieve a “change of regime.” To implement this plan, USAID armed a network of ghost companies and financial flows from fiscal paradises and violated its own rules in hiding the simultaneously complex and stupid strategy.

The network manages 45,000 users. The average age of subscribers was 26, and as of July 2011, 2 million messages had been sent, whose cost was covered by USAID, in search of a “Cuban spring.” The operation had various points and locations. The company Lleida.Net was created in Spain to send text messages. The company Movilchat, in the Cayman Islands was also created, and networks and service providers in Ireland, Nicaragua and Costa Rica were used. The Spanish and Cayman Islands companies were created by Mobile Accord Inc., a U.S. company whose headquarters are in Denver. The main developer was Creative Associates International, a federal contractor with headquarters in Washington. According to the AP investigation, Zunzuneo was active until June of 2012.

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