An Active Diplomacy Announced

The statement made to Prensa Libre by Todd Robinson, new U.S. ambassador in Guatemala, should be understood in its political context. The language of diplomacy nowadays often leaves space for rough interpretation, as is the case with his references to corruption, the lack of a plan for development and the efforts by the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala.

In the realm of U.S. foreign affairs, when it comes to immigration reform — which sparks the most interest inside of our nation — the answer to the question “Will there be results this year?” is a mystery because it depends on U.S. election results. All that has been said is that in 2016, the topic will “surely be of significant importance to Republicans and Democrats.”

Ambassador Robinson has the benefit of having gotten to know Guatemala and its many diverse departments during his last stay here. He’ll easily be able to make comparisons of the advancements and setbacks he’s seen as they relate to the interests of his own nation, specifically those related to the war on drugs, which are no longer limited to jail time and depenalization but to policies that are “more open and with more options.”

The International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala has the support of the U.S. and the other countries that are economically invested in it. This is of particular importance because the commission has vowed to fight against corruption, which it correctly classifies as “a crime.” Such statements are aimed without doubt at gaining support from the population and coincide with the U.S. getting fed up with the way Guatemala has been managed by its recent governments.

Signaling that the political parties must have a plan for the country, the appointment of the U.S. representative also coincides with the rejection by the majority of Guatemalans of the way political parties are funded and the way their members take part in all forms of corruption only to then disappear from the political spotlight and let others take their place and deal with the mess they made.

It should be understand that what is happening in Guatemala could affect the balance of the Mesoamerican zone. Robinson’s concerns are not only American but are shared by the international community. Guatemalans are also worried about the levels of corrupt governance, which weakens the essence of the state as a base for the principles and canons of democracy.

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