The Orange Clown

I can understand that voters have had enough of politicians who speak without really saying anything and who don’t reveal their true intentions, intent as they are on pleasing absolutely everyone…

But Trump?


The Republicans see this buffoon and say to themselves, “This is our guy”?

“This is the guy who’s going to put our country back on track”?

Carcinogenic Hair Dye?

We are a long way from Abraham Lincoln and even Ronald Reagan…

The possibility of this grotesque clown (whose brain is probably being poisoned by his hair dye) representing the Republicans in the next presidential election says a lot about what has happened to this party.

Gangrenous with religious fundamentalists who hold it hostage, a refuge for all the crackpots who tell anyone listening that Obama is a Muslim or that global warming is a communist plot; this party is a mere shadow of what it once was.

And to think that it was the Republicans who put an end to slavery!

Today, it’s more like a group of conspirators who get together twice a week to share photo montages, “proving” beyond all doubt that the White House has been taken over by reptilians.

Of course, it’s usual for a party to criticize and attack its opponents. But in the Republican party, this hatred of the “party opposite” comes close to mental illness.

It’s just not enough to criticize the Democrats; no, they must be demonized.

Obama is an Islamist! Hillary is a lesbian traitor!

Not an American Le Pen

The fact that the Republicans spend so much time shouting means that they don’t have time to think.

How can we fight terrorism? Simple: let’s shut down the Internet and ban Muslim immigration.

Some say that Trump is an American version of Marine Le Pen. I’m sorry, but they really have nothing to do with each other.

The National Front has ideas — ideas that can be rejected, that can repulse, but ideas all the same, and a program (which in some ways, particularly those concerning the economy, is strangely similar to the programs from the extreme left).

Whilst the Republican Party under Trump only has eructations.

Trump isn’t a politician. He’s a freak, a circus, a car crash, and a reality TV show all rolled into one.

He’s American politics at their most vulgar, most kitsch, most bling-bling.

In comparison, Ronald Reagan was a philosopher.

And a good actor.

A Wonderful Present

Donald Trump being elected would be one of the best things to happen for the Islamist terrorists.

A crackpot to fight against the crackpots!

For once, the term “Islamophobe,” which is used so often, would be completely accurate.

The Americans are in a bad position.

On one hand, a president who is much too weak. On the other, a hysteric Gung Ho who wants to call Bill Gates to ask him to “close up the Internet.”

Perhaps Hillary could be the third option? Firm, but informed?

We can only hope.

If not, the whole of the West is going to find itself in trouble…

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