Poor Obama

President Barack Obama’s problems in the United States illustrate the difficulties a moderate politician faces in the middle of an economic crisis that is showing no signs of improvement. Obama, whose popularity has plummeted, is being criticized daily by both conservatives and liberals.

The Republican Party, which is controlled by some of its most radical members, advocates a combination of liberal economics and political and social conservatism, which in many cases resembles fascism. For Republicans, the new law that guarantees access to health care is a sacrilege and reducing the fiscal deficit should be the top priority in economic politics, although this will result in greater suffering in the present. At the same time, they advocate a tough policy against illegal immigrants, even though they have difficulty disguising the racism in some of their proposals.

But Obama has also lost the support of liberals. The most “progressive” members of the Democratic Party are disappointed because, according to them, government measures have been too warm. It appears that Democrats are hoping for some type of public revolution. From a distance, they wanted something similar to Raphael Correa, but instead they have Rodrigo Borja. For this reason, many of them will not go to the voting polls during the midterm elections in November (this election in the United States is not mandatory).

Analysts predict a Republican victory in the midterm elections. For an Ecuadorian, this scenario seems absurd. In our country, it would be like if the DP had won the election only two years before the 1999 debacle. But according to the experts, voters in the United States look to the future and not the past.

And in a country accustomed to abundance, the crisis seems to have soured the character of voters, who are more pessimistic and as a result more open to accept extreme proposals. All of this proves that if politicians want to gain power, those in the center should never be happy when the country is doing bad, because desperate citizens will surely prefer more radical options.

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