Michelle Obama’s Burgers

A Michelle Obama with fat on her arms and a double chin, seated in front of a plate of a dozen hamburgers? Apparently, the American First Lady’s campaign to fight obesity in America hasn’t convinced everyone.

The ultra-conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart chose to post this mini-comic on his website, biggovernment.com. The two pictures show Michelle Obama munching on hamburgers next to her husband, depicted with huge ears, who is eating vegetables. Michelle Obama says in sum to her husband that she is trying to change Americans’ eating habits and to reduce the portions that they eat. Barack, apparently annoyed, replies: “Michelle, I want to get re-elected. What you’re doing is only going to annoy a lot of people.” To which Michelle responds: “Shut up and pass the bacon.”

The drawings have caused a stir in Washington, with some Democrats considering them to be “in very bad taste.” But they are also a reflection of the campaign mounted by the American right against Michelle Obama’s initiative. Sarah Palin was the first to have spoken out against the First Lady’s actions, stating that she could not “dictate” what citizens can put on their plates. Andrew Breitbart himself took advantage of recent revelations from the White House menu on the night of the Super Bowl (pizza, buffalo wings and burgers) to revive the controversy.

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