Muslims in the United States Must Be More Open Minded

Syamsi Ali, a Muslim figure in New York, of Indonesian descent, on a visit to Republika on Oct. 12 mentioned that Muslims in the United States must interact more with other Americans. Then, they will be accepted and be able to avoid the negative stigma of terrorism which has been strengthening since the 9/11 tragedy.

What should the Muslims in the U.S. do to remove the negative stigma about Islam?

What they can do to remove the negative stigma about Islam, such as terrorism, is to be more open minded to other U.S. citizens. This openness and the ability to integrate with other Americans are very important in order to remove the bad stigma that Islam is scary or related to terrorism. We don’t have to preach, showing that we are friendly or can be friends will be enough. During this time U.S. citizens don’t recognize Islam because they don’t have a strong interest in any religion, including Islam. On the other hand, Muslims in the U.S. tend to be exclusive so that other U.S. citizens feel uncomfortable towards their stance. The point is that what makes Islam look scary is the lack of communication and mutual understanding among them.

Is it true that openness help lessen the discrimination towards Muslims?

After the World Trade Center attack, many non-Muslim Americans sent bouquets to the front of Al Hikmah Mosque in New York. They shared the condolences because all this time the mosque has been open to Americans. We are always friendly and welcoming with those who are not Muslims. The non-Muslim citizens can attend the Friday sermons. They may sit in the available place. With this kind of openness, other U.S. citizens can accept our existence. This condition for sure lessens the negative sentiment and discrimination, and even raises empathy. Therefore, mosques in the U.S. must have a friendly and open management.

Do you see any wisdom from the 9/11 tragedy for American Muslims?

9/11 is a very hurtful tragedy. However, after that there were many Americans interested in learning about Islam. I was often invited to churches and synagogues to preach about Islam. This helped them understand more about Islam and dismiss bad perception. Furthermore, the number of Muslims in America after 9/11 increased almost four times. In the past, most of the Muslims were immigrants from the Middle East or Africa. Nowadays, there are many Muslims who are American citizens. Most of them are from the Hispanic community, especially young educated women. They are actually more religious than the average American citizen.

How have the numbers of Muslims increased following the 9/11 tragedy?

From quantity and quality perspectives, the number of Muslims in the U.S. has been increasing. Quantitatively, there are about eight or nine million Muslims in the U.S. In the past, there were only about seven million. Qualitatively, there have been two Muslims who became members of the U.S. Congress. There are also Muslims who became advisers in the White House and a mayor in New Jersey.

What can Muslim immigrants do to be recognized by the government?

They should have nationalism, the sense of having the U.S. as their country. They tend to be guests in the U.S. so that they are passive in the general election. If they have nationalism, they can participate in electing members of government, getting their rights and carrying out their duties as citizens. Suppose that, as a guest you will only be offered a cup of tea while as the owner you can decide and cook from your favorite menus in the house. Thus, nowadays we are actively struggling so that Muslims will be more open-minded, politically and socially active so that we can grow a sense of having the U.S. as our country.

Which political party do Muslims tend to support in the U.S.?

Most of Afro-American Muslims affiliate with the Democratic Party. However, the Democrats tend to be very liberal. Their support of gays contrasts with the Islamic ban of homosexuality. The Republican Party is more conservative about morality. However, they don’t like Islam. Therefore, Muslims have difficulties in choosing the right party.

What have become the causes of Islamophobia in the U.S.?

There are four factors. The first is lack of knowledge. There are many Americans who still do not know about Islam so they often carry wrong perceptions. Most Americans don’t consider religion to be a very important issue. Meanwhile, Muslim immigrants in the U.S. are exclusive. They don’t want to introduce Islam. The lack of knowledge eventually brings the wrong perception and stigma about Islam. The second is the political factor. Politics somehow influence the creation of a phobia towards Islam. Many people use religion for political interest so that the view of Islam becomes biased or unclear. Then, there is the factor of understanding Qur’anic verses incorrectly. In understanding Qur’anic verses, sometimes people think literally. For example, there is a verse stating that disbelievers’ eyes, hearts and ears have been closed, so people should consider them as enemies. In fact, that verse challenges Muslims to open their hearts to struggle so they don’t surrender to the circumstances. The fourth is mistakes in representing Islam in the Islamic world itself. When it was depicted that the Prophet Muhammad wore a turban, many Muslims took anarchist action. Actually, they should not do that, it is better to conduct dialogues so that the world knows that Islam loves peace. Saudi Arabia prohibits women from driving. That is the Saudi Arabian law, not an Islamic rule. Sometimes people think that Arab and Islamic are the same. In fact, they are different.

What was the most memorable moment of your preaching experience?

I met Donald Trump, one of the richest businessmen in the U.S. Trump used to think that Islam was scary. In interviews he sometimes mentioned Islam as trouble. Because of that, he invited me to explain about Islam. What was interesting was someone of Trump’s caliber opening the door for me to enter his house. So, he thought that Islam was really scary and must be concerned much. After Trump met with me, he was surprised. The mosque imam is not as terrible as he used to imagine, having a long and think beard and wearing a cloak. Thank God, after that meeting Trump hasn’t disfigured Islam again in the media. Therefore, American Muslims must open themselves.

How have cases of Muslim discrimination developed in the U.S.?

Nowadays, the discrimination of Muslims has been decreasing. Mosques in the U.S. are not exclusive anymore, they are more open to non-Muslim Americans. People can learn about Islam in those mosques. The media doesn’t press Islam anymore. CNN has changed, they have sympathy for Islam and they have made documentaries about discrimination of Muslims. Fox News may seem to be anti-Muslim immigrants. But generally the media has been neutralized.

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