Announcement of the Iranian 'Conspiracy'

Mohammad Sadeq Al-Hosseini, the Iranian writer and expert on strategic affairs, spoke with Al-Manar about the announcement of the so-called “Iranian conspiracy” to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington. Al-Hosseini told Al-Manar that there are several reasons behind the announcement that concern developments in the region, and he revealed information about a Saudi-Iranian settlement that was about to be reached that was a direct reason for the American announcement at this particular time.

We had the following interview with Mr. Hosseini, regarding interpretation of the American announcement and of its particular timing, as well as the Saudi position on the announcement.

Al-Manar: What is your view of the allegation of an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington and to target the Saudi embassy in Argentina?

Al-Hosseini: I see the American information as an absurd detective novel, the goal of which is to cover up the American failure in multiple areas: On the topic of Iraq, because the commander of the occupying American troops wanted to extend the occupying presence in Iraq to the year 2016 and to obtain immunity for its presence. But the core of community resistance and the opposition led by Iran prevented the commander from achieving this, despite everything he did in Iraq. So he is trying to cover up the crime of genocide in Iraq and, at the same time, he is trying to set a trap for Arab-Iranian relations by provoking “Iran-phobia.”

The second issue, which is probably being considered only by a few: There was a serious and rapid effort to reach a Saudi-Iranian settlement, which was to be achieved in Kuwait in the coming days. Perhaps this significant current reason motivated the Americans to use an absurd narrative to prevent the meeting that was supposed to take place between Saud Al-Faisal, Mohammad Sabah, and Ali Akbar Salehi to resolve the long-standing conflict over the continental shelf.

Al-Manar: Is this information accurate?

Al-Hosseini: Yes, the information regarding the settlement is accurate.

Al-Manar: Might it also be said that one of the implications of the American announcement is the possibility of a coming war against Iran, by provoking suitable conditions in the region?

Al-Hosseini: I don’t expect that one of the implications of what transpired is an imminent war against Iran, but that what occurred was only to frighten the Arabs so that they do not achieve settlements with Iran. So the goal is to prevent conciliation, as I have mentioned.

Al-Manar: What is your comment on the Saudi position, regarding the American announcement?

Al-Hosseini: I think that the Saudis failed, once again, to read what was going on in the Arab region. They didn’t pick up that the Americans and Westerners, generally, lost a bet on the fall of Bashar Assad. They thought that the battle was at its height and that the Syrian regime would fall to pieces, and they continued betting on a flawed assessment of the situation in Syria. They fell into the American trap and continued to have faith that if they believed the American version of events, it would help them to pressure Syria’s strategic ally.

What is surprising to outside observers is that the Arabs and Saudis were unaware of the Zionist hand in these events. The accusation was that there was a plot to strike the Saudi and Israeli embassies together. Why these dual aims? Was it because Saudi Arabia shares the Israeli agenda? How can you accept that this was a target of Muslims, when Muslims differentiate between Zionists and Arabs? My call to Saudi Arabia is to be more rational and to be reassured about the country’s Muslim neighbors. I call for them not to fall for the “Iran-phobia” conspiracy and not to fall for replacing the Zionist enemy with Iran, for the purpose of draining the Arabs.

Al-Manar: How did you view the doubts of American and Western media outlets towards the American narrative?

Al-Hosseini: The Western media works on two levels: the professional level, on which professional scruples call them to question the American narrative, and then there is the influence of the intelligence agencies. It seems that instructions came from the intelligence community, after the fact, and altered their opinions, so they began focusing on the idea that there was proof for the conspiracy as it was about to be announced. This is part of the soft war which is led by the intelligence community and in which the intelligence community distributes the roles.

Al-Manar: The proof that they have said will be announced, what do you expect it to be like?

Al-Hosseini: We expect it to be completely fabricated, just like the issue of false witnesses and the International Tribunal, and like the allegations against Syria. All of these are agendas that lead in the same circle to target the resistance from all angles and sides, in Iran and Syria and Lebanon and Palestine … and the principal goal is to close the books on the conflict between Islam and Zionism.

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