Primary Debates: Silence, S’il Vous Plaît!

We thought we would never see this again, as least not in our lifetimes, the way it was in the 70s when Leonid Brezhnev was the leader of Russia. However, it is about to happen again. The rumor is spreading: The unbelievable marathon of television debates for the Republican primary might end soon. This news seems hard to believe.

Mitt Romney was the first to begin withdrawing, announcing that he would not participate in the Atlanta debate on March 1. It eventually had to come to an end; In a letter to CNN, the Republican candidate’s spokeswoman reminded everyone that Romney had participated in 20 debates since he began his presidential campaign at the end of 2011. This record will be hard to beat.

Rick Santorum announced that he won’t be available for the March 1 debate either. Ron Paul did the same.

Newt Gingrich is the only candidate left who wants to participate in the debates. However, CNN announced that without the other three competitors, the debate would be canceled.

Nevertheless, the Arizona debate will still take place on March 21. This will be the 21st debate, and probably the last one for a long time.

The irony in this Republican primary season is that there have never been so many television debates with such mediocre, if not laughable, candidates. These candidates could hardly lead a banana republic.

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