Murder by Default

Human rights activists concerned about Syria ignoring the executions of hundreds of Libyans

Colonel Gadhafi’s favorite television host was murdered in a jail located in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. She was beaten, had her tongue cut out and then, without a trial or investigation, was shot. Just for having an opinion that differed from the point of view of Libyan revolutionaries.

According to human rights organizations, during recent months anarchy and banditry have reigned in Libya. People are dying by the hundreds every week. But compassionate Western politicians, who are shouting on every corner about the value of human life and their preparedness to defend the Syrian population at any cost from Assad’s murderous regime, for some reason prefer to stay silent about Libyan atrocities.

The TV presenter Hala al-Misrati, who is well known in Libya, was last seen in front of the television cameras on Dec. 20. She stood silently and held a piece of paper with a date written on it. Gadhafi’s favorite never concealed that she could not be reconciled to the mayhem happening in her homeland. For this she was beaten and taken away. Her relatives did not know her location. Then they were told some strange news. The journalist was taken to jail; there she was tortured and murdered in cold blood. However, there are those who say that they saw a recent video featuring a woman in black who resembles the TV journalist.

According to international human rights organization Amnesty International, different groups of fighters are currently holding as many as 8,000 Gadhafi supporters in captivity. One of the main motives for torture and murder is racial hatred. “Nobody is holding these militias responsible,” said Amnesty researcher Donatella Rovera. According to her, the new authorities in Libya allow human rights violations to be perpetrated with absolute impunity throughout the entire country. In response, Tripoli claims that they are trying to get the situation under control. However, information from human rights activists reveals otherwise.

Meanwhile, the North American al-Qaida publicly announced that it has expanded its military arsenal with weapons from warehouses controlled by Libyan revolutionaries. It is known that before the civil war, Gadhafi had stockpiled approximately 20,000 shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles like the “Strela” or “Igla.” Experts are confident that at least 4,000 of the SAMs still pose a real threat to passenger aircraft and helicopters.

However, the West has ignored this information without the slightest hesitation. There are no cries or sighs of compassion on account of the hundreds of murdered Libyans. There has been no appeal to the UN Security Council demanding a speedy resolution censuring the inaction of Libyan authorities and a demand for revolutionaries to speedily lay down their weapons. There is no doubt that in turn Washington, London and other European capitals with divide the “sons of bitches” into “yours” and “ours.” Meanwhile, it is more than obvious that there is just one way to get on the “friends” list, and that is to fully comply with all of the West’s guidelines. And then you can rape, torture and murder. Well, clearly I will liquidate the rest of them according to plan. Until total obedience.

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