The Return of Conservative America

What a storm! And not just the one dumping drama and misfortune upon Haiti once again before it heads toward the southern United States — though Isaac has also left its mark on the Republican convention this year by pushing back the opening day to Tuesday.

No, the gust of wind blowing America away is the current momentum of the Romney-Ryan duo, the pair who will now challenge Barack Obama in the presidential race overtly and without inhibition. The Republicans are putting forth an ultra-conservative team to face the man who only four years ago represented the wild hopes of a country decidedly frightened by the notions of solidarity and sharing.

This is Middle America’s response to the Obama adventure. It’s as if it had given itself a fright by electing a black president — a black president, moreover, with the slightest social tendencies. A little (hard-fought) progress in access to health care, some efforts toward equal education, and strong positions on several social issues will have been enough to turn Barack Obama into a dangerous leftist in the eyes of good old conservative America.

Obviously it’s only the beginning of the campaign, and the outgoing president hasn’t been beaten yet. But several polls launched before the convention opening today in Tampa (Florida) suggest that the two camps will start off almost neck and neck. Obama and the hopes he raised by beating Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary must now face forces that have been growing increasingly conservative for a long time, moving this big country further and further to the right.

Mitt Romney has long searched for a way to position himself against Obama. An avowed fiscal conservative, he ended up choosing a running mate who is even further to the right on social issues. With youthful enthusiasm Ryan proclaims loudly and clearly that his vision of America by year’s end will be built on private retirements, ever-more limited access to health care, an outright ban on abortion, and lower taxes for big business — and of course he doesn’t even mention gay marriage.

A major segment of the old America is crazy about him. If he enables Romney to win in November, Obama’s surge will not have lasted long.

One term and that’s it. Before the return of the America of the individualist’s dreams.

Mitt Romney has long searched for a way to position himself against Obama… He has teamed up with a running mate who is even more conservative than he is.

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