On the 8th anniversary of the disaster, the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, we found that who and what were most harmed by its outcomes are as follows: first, Arabs and Muslims; second, human rights; and third, resistance groups and organizations.
The only beneficiaries are Israel and the conservative Zionists, who found an opportunity in what happened to achieve their goals of launching a preemptive war and, more specifically, a new Middle East. This only deepens the suspicion that these two factions are not far away from what happened, since, in the name of combating terrorism, America occupied Afghanistan and Iraq and committed massacres and butchery that will not be forgotten or erased from human memory. According to statistics, American forces killed more than 1.2 million Iraqi citizens, caused the displacement of over 4 million and left 2 million orphans and a million widows. They turned Iraq into a nation living in the Middle Ages, since, according to the WHO, more than half of its people do not have access to safe drinking water or electricity, and infectious diseases, especially cholera, are spreading. They are not yet published, but if there were true figures for the disaster that has befallen Afghanistan because of the occupation, they would certainly exceed their Iraqi counterparts. With American financial losses estimated to be about US$917 billion, expected to reach US$3 trillion, this was the main cause of the financial and economic catastrophe that hit Washington and the whole world, and which led to a recession.
As for human rights, they have been most harmed by this madness which has hit Washington. In the name of combating terrorism, Washington, the European capitals and others have monitored the phones of citizens. They have interrogated and detained tens of thousands of Muslims in the four corners of the earth, since the anti-terrorism authorities connected terrorism with Islam and Muslims. In the name of combating terrorism, Washington has undertaken the most serious abuses in history – arresting thousands and throwing them into prison at Guantanamo without trial, subjecting them to dangerous physical and psychological methods of torture such as waterboarding, all of which lead to the deaths of some and left others permanently disabled. The matter did not stop there. They also began practicing piracy by kidnapping suspects in a number of countries and establishing secret detention centers around the world. Added to that is the crude assault on the detainees of Abu Ghraib, which exceeded all limits. This bloody and shameful record of the Bush era was the main reason for Obama’s victory and the defeat of the conservative Zionists who denigrate America and human rights. It prompted Obama to announce the opening of the file on torture and inspired him to work to close Guantanamo, a blemish that has stained American history.
As for the third victim, the resistance and its allies: When Washington and its ally, Tel Aviv, took advantage of the event and the ensuing state of delirium, they began to label resistance as terrorism, forgetting that resistance to occupation is a legitimate act guaranteed by the United Nations. They were also forgetting the American resistance to British occupation, and the French resistance (with American and Western support) to the Nazis in order to achieve an adept victory led by General de Gaulle.
In short, combating terrorism is a legitimate activity. However, Israel and the conservative Zionists took advantage of the whole world’s indignation at terrorism and terrorists to turn away from the real purpose, and exploited it to serve Israeli and American aims.
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