Obama Disappoints the Germans

The world in decline: A comprehensive study shows what the world thinks of the United States, revealing a less than positive result for the Americans. A majority of Germans are frustrated with President Obama; nonetheless, the American President received better results than German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Germans see the United States as a world power in decline — they’re disappointed with Obama’s economic and environmental policies but would, if they were allowed, overwhelmingly reelect him to office this November. This ambivalent opinion was the result of a Pew Research Center survey encompassing views of the U.S. prevalent in 21 different nations worldwide.

While the U.S. is seen more positively today than it was during the George W. Bush administration in 2008, reservations about America are on the rise in Muslim countries. America’s image suffers mainly because of the unmanned drone war waged by the U.S. The actions are running into massive global criticism, while in the U.S. it is supported by 62 percent of the population.

Meanwhile, the world is taking a sober second look at Obama. At the start of his term in office in 2009, nearly one half of those surveyed had hoped he would consider other nations’ interests, get cooperative international backing before committing troops to combat, mediate fairly between Israelis and Palestinians and do more for environmental protection than the Bush administration had done. He disappointed them. Nearly three-fifths of all respondents say Obama didn’t keep the promises he made.

Dramatic Loss of Trust in the Muslim World

The European “Obamania” has also subsided. In Europe, support for the Democrat fell from 78 percent in 2009 to 63 percent in 2012. The loss of trust is even more dramatic in the Muslim world where Obama began his administration with a much-heralded keynote speech in Cairo.

Instead of 39 percent of Muslims who said in 2009 they trusted Obama, only 15 percent have the same opinion today. Simultaneously, China has gained worldwide respect. 42 percent of the world population consider China to be the global economic leader, while only 36 percent accord that status to the U.S.

This change of viewpoint is especially noticeable among Germans. Around 62 percent of all Germans are convinced that China has replaced the U.S. as the world’s number one economy. These doubts about America’s performance capabilities also persist even though 25 percent of Germans say they appreciate America’s way of doing business. That fuels an increasing skepticism about America. Only 52 percent of Germans say they generally view America favorably.

Massive Disapproval of the Drone War

According to Pew, this new skepticism is reinforced by the disappointment over the lack of concrete U.S. policy. Anyone that blames Obama for his handling of the economic crisis, the Middle East conflict or American interests without regard for Germany has a biased view of the superpower.

Additionally, the Pew data show that one out of two Germans (52 percent) were disappointed when they saw their hopes for a reversal of Bush era environmental policy dashed. There is massive disapproval of America’s unmanned drone war, with women and members of liberal groups — all across Europe — especially put off by this latest tactic in the “War on Terror.”

In spite of these trends, the German belief in Obama remains rock solid: 87 percent of the population say they trust the black man in the White House. According to Pew, that’s a global record and is even higher than that enjoyed by Germans with their own Chancellor, as Angela Merkel has a 77 percent approval rating.

Universally in Europe, as well as in Japan, India and Brazil, people would grant Obama a second term. His only failing grades come from the Muslim world, Russia and China.

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