OPD 5/10 Edited by Katya Abazajian – in progress 6/1
proofread by Becca Prashner- 6/3
Modern Obama Family
Barack Obama has once again broken a mold of American society, which still heavily favors WASP Puritanism, by expressing his support for gay marriage. Almost unthinkable until yesterday, it was inevitably the first black president who would take that step. This does look silly when compared to the giant stride made the day a non-white came to the White House.
Both milestones and molds shattered have a common denominator in the form of a television series; the Obama “operation” had a rehearsal on The West Wing, the television production that has undoubtedly had the most influence on U.S. policy. This gauged the overall social acceptance of a non-white president. It did not dare present a black candidate, but a rather Latin one. Nonetheless, it received a favorable reaction. There was no direct rejection and Americans encouraged the team’s current president to go for it.
It is no coincidence that Obama is out of the closet now about supporting gay marriage, just as the most popular series in America, Modern Family, features two characters who are gay, married, and have an adopted daughter. And, rare is the series which does not feature one or more gays in an important role. For example: Grey’s Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters, Glee…
Today, TV ratings and audience analyses are discussed almost as much as the reports of the CIA at the White House.
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