Romney Loses Ground to Obama, According to Poll

Despite having raised more money than U.S. President Barack Obama in past months, Mitt Romney’s approval rate is inversely proportional to monetary donations.

A recent poll shows Massachusetts’ former governor losing ground to the president, whose reelection Romney expects to prevent in the November elections.

If the elections were held this Friday, the head of state would accumulate 49 percent of the votes, facing 40 percent for Romney, noted a Fox News study.

That draws attention to the fact that the same polling firm found that the president had an advantage of only four points over its rival, 45 to 41 percent.

According to the results, the Republican campaign isn’t going that well, after a bash of criticism from the Democrats; the absurdities committed during his recent trip through the U.K., Israel and Poland; and imputations against him for tax evasion.

In London, Romney challenged the country’s ability to host the 30th Olympic Games, comments that caused indignation amongst high British officials.

During his stay in Tel Aviv, the Mormon candidate met the President Shimon Peres and the Prime Minister Binjamin Netanyahu, before whom he declared that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state – he will relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem if he was elected, he said.

Those statements prompted severe critics from the main authorities in the Palestinian National Authority.

The main Palestinian negotiator, Saeb Erakat, labeled Romney’s statements as “unacceptable,” that – according to him – damage the peace process.

Lately, high figures of the Democrat Party attacked Romney and accused him of tax evasion.

Even the Democrat Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, assured that the former governor hasn’t fiscally contributed in the last decade.

Romney, who would become one of the richest elected presidents if he were to get to the White House, has refused to publicly release his personal income tax returns.

Members of the so-called red party have enjoined him to do it to avoid allowing Democrat critics to distort the information and use it against him in the middle of his campaign with less than 100 days to go until the presidential elections.

The Fox News poll confirms that a dark cloud be positioned over the former governor’s campaign that could jeopardize his aspirations of becoming the 44th president of the United States.

That is all in spite of raising more money than Obama, because in July, for the third month in a row, he accumulated $101 million, while the Democrats got $75 million.

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